Spiritual Machines was less commercially successful than its predecessors.
Kurzweil is a gifted futurist, and his book The Age of Spiritual Machines, should be read by all.
The band decided that they had gone as far as they could go musically with Spiritual Machines.
'Spiritual Machines' was so out there in talking about the future and trying to perceive man turning into machine, it was very heavy.
In that sense 'Gravity' is pretty much the opposite of 'Spiritual Machines'.
It was the second single released from their fourth studio album, Spiritual Machines and the most successful from that album.
The narration on "Life" was not issued on Spiritual Machines.
"That was not the most graceful sounding name in the world, so we went with Spiritual Machines instead," Turner said.
Unlike the band's three previous albums, most of the songs on Spiritual Machines were written solely by Maida.
By this time, Spiritual Machines was proving itself to be commercial failure in the States.