It will be remembered by old Spitfire pilots for its boggy runway and dense fog.
Some Spitfire pilots wanted to hear all about it, and they bought him another drink.
Gatiss provided the voice of the Spitfire pilot himself, doing one version clean and another with his hand over his mouth.
The Spitfire pilot was killed, and Arthur received serious burns.
At the inquiry afterwards a farmer testified that he saw the Spitfire pilot struggling to push back the canopy.
He had written a memoir of his time as a Spitfire pilot but never intended it for publication.
Spitfire pilots met Japanese for the first time on Boxing Day, 1943.
The accident rate amongst local Spitfire pilots was exceptionally high.
At 16 he wanted to become a Spitfire pilot.
The court completely exonerated both of the Spitfire pilots, ruling the case as an unfortunate accident.