Then he'll see why "Sports Night" is vastly superior to the bulk of prime-time half hours.
This also explains much of the hype surrounding "Sports Night"; for critics, it is a glass half full in a dry season.
Adding to that, many of the shows introduced in recent years, including the critically acclaimed "Sports Night," did not appeal to a large audience.
(Busfield has also directed several episodes of the series, as he did for Sports Night.)
One exception, which they both ridiculed, is, in my opinion, Sports Night .
Girls had "Sports Nights" instead of competitive teams.
His work often has comic moments, and "Sports Night" was ostensibly a situation comedy.
Also used as background music in Sports Night at the end of the "Sally" episode.
It is used sparingly in the pilot as "Sports Night has so many dramatic moments".
After the completion of Sports Night, she gave birth to her first child and soon returned to work.