At times, the spy war came close to provoking military conflict.
What accounts for the Administration's losses in the ongoing spy wars?
Frankly, these spy wars are a sideshow which have had no real impact on our significant security interests over the years.
-spy game in his dense but often fascinating cold war memoir, "Spy Wars," things were often not what they appeared to be.
"As Star Wars winds down, spy wars are escalating."
Still, some officials caution that the increased Russian intelligence presence in the United States does not mean that Moscow is winning any new spy war.
During the electronic spy wars of the early years of the cold war, scores of aircraft and hundreds of Americans were lost, mainly off Russia.
"Spy Wars" traces a tangled web.
Some people have speculated that Mr. Goss's mysterious illness might have resulted from foul play in the spy wars.
That is really surprising because in the modern world ... it is laughable to say a gas pipeline is a weapon in a spy war.