In the southwest corner of Washington Square Park stood the 19 chess tables that recently regained notoriety by way of the film "Searching for Bobby Fischer."
His sculptures there, at the southeast corner of Central Park, and in Madison Square Park are Gothic versions of modern machines and building equipment.
A tour that includes stops at former graveyards and a tree in Washington Square Park that held a hangman's noose, as well as a discussion of the area's ghostly legends.
In their place rose modern icons, including Washington Square Park, the New York Public Library and the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel.
In nearby Tompkins Square Park stands a nine-foot stele of pink marble depicting a boy and girl gazing over the water.
Full of hostility, these kids take the downtown No. 6 train from 77th Street (jumping the turnstile, of course), and in Washington Square Park beat a black man with their skateboards for no reason.
Among the grassless miniparks are the Bleecker Street Playground and Abingdon Square Park, providing benches for relaxation for adults and jungle gyms, swings and slides for the children.
On display along some 30 blocks near Washington Square Park will be the work of more than 200 American artists, as well as artists from around the world.
At 7 p.m., Madison Square Park, Madison Avenue at 24th Street, (212) 538-6667; free.
"Madison Square Park was a potter's field."