The new European Stability Mechanism apparently has €500bn to spend, so bolstering the "firewall".
Second, there has been an agreement to bring forward the launch date for the European Stability Mechanism by a year.
- Speed up implementation of European Stability Mechanism to 2012.
A factsheet is available that explains more about the European Stability Mechanism.
That is the objective of the European Stability Mechanism.
It would be welcome if the summit this weekend could reach an agreement concerning the European Stability Mechanism.
Your Financial Stability Mechanism is a vicious weapon dictated by the markets, masquerading as something benign.
That is why it is right that the European Stability Mechanism must be strict.
Number one: we agreed on the Treaty amendment needed to give full legal certainty to the permanent Stability Mechanism.
"Our members' vote against the European Stability Mechanism was only 2,000 short of changing the party majority."