But that doesn't mean that he didn't feel free to advance a Stalinist line on his own initiative.
When Mikhail Gorbachev initiated reforms in the Soviet Union in the 1980s, the SED held to a Stalinist line.
It depicts the Republicans running areas under their control along Stalinist lines.
Officials warn that the Government remains committed to the collectivization of all Ethiopian agriculture on Stalinist lines within 10 years.
Originally it was some kind of commune for the acceptable writers and artists who toed the Stalinist line.
Krylenko used his positions to carry out the Stalinist line of total control and politicization of all areas of public life:
After 1956, with the Soviet cause politically and morally bankrupt, there came a gradual softening of the brutal Stalinist line of the immediate postwar years.
"He organized the party along Stalinist lines and led it on an uncritical pro-Soviet course," the members of the panel wrote.
Just across the wall, East Germany is holding tight to its Stalinist line.
Even before the death of Stalin, Chervenkov had already begun moving away from the Stalinist line.