In 1990, however, following the collapse of the Soviet empire, he was verified and stripped of the privileges due to his Stalinist past.
The name discarded at the weekend was invented during the 1956 uprising as a gesture of total break with the Stalinist past.
Such a position is by no means confined to a Marxism of a Stalinist past.
The Russians staged a pathetic early attempt to put communism on trial, but have done little since to confront their Stalinist past.
But it leaves significant traces of the Stalinist past.
Bulgaria's new Communist leaders have been encouraging a reassessment of the country's Stalinist past.
Those who opposed the idea brought up his Stalinist past.
Direct flights from London make it possible to see how Albania is - very slowly - shaking off its Stalinist past.
"We have to make a radical break with the Stalinist past," Mr. Gysi declared.
The pressure of the Stalinist past on the Soviet present is convincingly rendered.