Last year South Carolina's Legislature voted to remove the Confederate battle flag from atop the State Capitol and fly it elsewhere on the Statehouse grounds.
New sugar maples were planted on the Statehouse grounds here this week.
"While I'm around, any trees that go into the Statehouse grounds, like the granite, will be Vermont 100 percent pure," said John Zampieri, the state's Buildings Commissioner.
The menorah was to stand in a public place on the Statehouse grounds designated for such holiday displays, Mr. Zoss said.
He proposed moving the flag, a symbol of slavery and segregation to many citizens, from its inappropriate place of prominence on the dome to "a place of historical significance" on the Statehouse grounds.
They'll learn (and you will, too) that Louisiana's often overlooked capital on the Mississippi seems never to have expelled the Kingfish, whose statue looms on the Statehouse grounds.
The Governor suggests the flag now be flown only over a Civil War museum on the Statehouse grounds.
Janna swung the car onto Jackson and started gliding along the east side of the Statehouse grounds.
Just this month, Steve Spurrier, the University of South Carolina football coach, called for the flag to be removed from the Statehouse grounds.
A officer saw Vick stumbling as he walked into a parking garage located in the Statehouse grounds in Columbia.