According to Statistics Finland, there were 48,740 Russian-speaking people in 2008.
Finland's divorce rate is 51% of marriages being dissolved (Statistics Finland, updated 5/07).
Nearly 80 percent of the country's 2.35 million households own at least one mobile phone, according to Statistics Finland, a research company.
A catalog is independently compiled each year by Statistics Finland, a state agency, and used primarily for traffic-related purposes (signage, speed limits, highway planning).
According to Statistics Finland, of the country's total population of 5,300,484 at the end of 2007, 91.2% (or 4,836,183) considered Finnish as their native language.
A description of hot deck imputation from Statistics Finland.
According to your very own Tilastokeskus (Population) page of Statistics Finland the country total population in 2010 stood at 5 375 276.
The largest groups by native language 2001 and 2011 (Statistics Finland).
Numbers are based on the Statistics Finland (language, 2009).
Findicator was developed in a joint effort by Statistics Finland and the Finnish Prime Minister's Office.