"Do the Chinese have anything like our Stealth program, Admiral?"
Okay," she went on, "you're probably aware that even with the first planes only now becoming public knowledge, the Stealth program is ten years old.
On the other hand, the Stealth program has been supported by leaders of Congress in both parties.
It also seems clear that the Stealth program is in trouble.
We already know there are so many problems with the Stealth program.
That's what bothers me about the sacrosanct Stealth program.
The other failed measure, which would have allowed the Stealth program to proceed with almost no restrictions, got more votes than anticipated.
But the proposal to scale back the Stealth program is a double-edged sword.
He suggested that altered targeting requirements justified a scaling back of the Stealth program.
It would be foolish, however, to drop the Stealth program entirely.