The institution employs more than 270 people and serves 10,000 residents in and around western Stearns County.
Stearns County was populated predominantly by German and Polish Catholics at that time.
Richmond is a city in Stearns County, Minnesota, United States.
Stearns County, Minn., $170,000 of securities due from 1991 to 1998.
Belgrade is a town in Stearns County, Minnesota, United States.
The mill had operated continuously at the same location since 1903, although according to Stearns County, the mill dates to 1898.
The East border of Stearns County is the Mississippi River.
Main routes in the community include Stearns County Roads 50, 51, 159 and 160.
The entire route was located in Stearns County.
There is also a city called Saint Anthony in Stearns County.