Steve Baker, the race director for Tall Ships 2000, said there is a common denominator to each of the programs.
TuxKart is an open source game for Linux by Steve Baker.
Julie is married to Steve Baker, and both are actors on the show boat Cotton Blossom.
"We saw people jumping from the tower as the fire was going on," said Steve Baker, 27.
According to Steve Baker, the Game of the Month development team "didn't know anything about 3D graphics and refused to take his advice".
Steve Baker also known as "Mr. Escape", was frequently featured on the show.
"We've kept the lines of communication open," Garcia's agent, Steve Baker, said by telephone last night.
She is married to Steve Baker.
The players and others on campus give the credit to Steve Baker, the associate dean of students' services.
But for Steve Baker, the big time never came.