Steve Wood (born 1952) is an American technology-industry programmer, manager, and investor best known as an early Microsoft employee.
In 2009 Steve Wood took over on bass and the band began playing live and writing for their second full length album.
"After about a minute of this, you're tired," said Steve Wood, a 6-2 senior point guard, the conference's player of the year last season.
Eeebuntu was created in Dec 2007 by Steve Wood.
The lighting was by Steve Woods.
Steve Woods is an American businessperson and politician living in Maine.
Steve Wood (born 2 February 1963) is a retired English football defender.
This morning, Steve Woods stopped in Paul's office to ask if he'd heard anything.
"Steve Woods said you'd gone off in a little boat with a big outboard," Liza said.
The album was recorded by Sting and Steve Wood.