The embodiment of what a long, strange trip it's been is Stewart Brand himself, now editor emeritus.
Stewart Brand described Why the Net Matters as a "breakthrough work".
Stewart Brand has become a heretic to environmentalism, a movement he helped found, but he doesn't plan to be isolated for long.
But when it comes to anticipating the zeitgeist, never underestimate Stewart Brand.
He started it in the 1980s with his friends Stewart Brand and Jay Ogilvy.
Kudus to Stewart Brand for helping to bridge the gap between the two.
Stewart Brand is the initiator or was involved with the development of the following:
(1978) Stewart Brand has also written, more recently, that "squatter cities are Green.
Stewart Brand focused on climate change, a "century-sized problem that we cannot understand yet".
Stewart Brand added the series to Google Video in June 2008.