"These are not just gardens," said Sarah Ferguson, a freelance writer who grew tomatoes at the 10th Street Garden.
The first professional basketball game was played in the 50th Street Garden on December 6, 1925, nine days before the arena officially opened.
Much was used to build Princes' Street Gardens, an extensive landscaped park.
In 1865 a statue was erected to his memory in Princes Street Gardens.
The site, in Princes Street Gardens, was not finally decided until 1840, and work began under Kemp's supervision in March of that year.
Meantime the Government's 24-hour monitoring station in Princes Street Gardens would help give the city centre background level.
He put the phone back in his pocket and wandered over to the iron railings, from where he could look down into Princes Street Gardens.
The Princes Street Gardens are on the other side.
He was standing somewhere in Princes Street Gardens.
East Princes Street Gardens: terraces and steps (1847)