Many celebrated musical artists from all genres of music used the 30th Street Studio for some of their most famous recordings.
An exhibition of photographs, many taken at the 30th Street Studio.
The song was recorded at 11th Street Studios in Atlanta, Georgia.
Recorded 3/20/61 at Columbia 30th Street Studio, New York NY.
All tracks recorded at Columbia 30th Street Studio, New York City.
This coincided with their then recent acquisition of Basing Street Studios, which also housed the fledgling publishing company.
Recording sessions took place at Columbia's 30th Street Studio over the course of three days in August 1969.
The remainder of the album was recorded during sessions on June 5 and September 10, 1956 at Columbia's 30th Street Studio.
The recording date at 30th Street Studio served as the first documented session to feature pianist Bill Evans performing in Davis' group.
Recorded mostly at Columbia's 30th Street Studios in Manhattan, it is the final album by Davis and Evans.