Beth Flusser and her husband, Richard, moved to Stuyvesant Street 32 years ago and raised two daughters.
Suzanne Wasserman, on Stuyvesant Street from 1982 to 1988, has since moved to Stuyvesant Town.
One of the most charming is Stuyvesant Street in the East Village, just half a block long between Ninth and 10th Streets.
A short branch was later built along Stuyvesant Street and Astor Place to end at Broadway in NoHo.
"If you're in my room, you better not stink," said Damon Johnson, standing in front of the Barney Building on Stuyvesant Street.
Since Stuyvesant Street was spared, St. Mark's is a rarity: a Manhattan church that is aligned with the compass.
After a number of relocations, the school moved into 34 and 36 Stuyvesant Street.
The last stop was Village Yokocho on Stuyvesant Street.
It was time to go home, with one last stop nearby, Sunrise Mart, on Stuyvesant Street.
Stuyvesant Street is one of the oldest streets in the New York City borough of Manhattan.