The refugees who fall into that category wait in limbo, including several hundred Sudanese young men known as the Lost Boys.
When word spread that an American visitor had arrived in the camp, the Sudanese young men flew on their shabby bicycles, hoping for some good news.
Most Sudanese men who came to the country were settled in him, looking for job opportunities and education they had not in their country.
The last case of wild smallpox was recorded in 1977, when a Sudanese man contracted it and survived.
And marines captured a Sudanese man whom they described as a foreign "holy warrior," fighting for the Iraqi president.
Rescuers pulled out a boy and a Sudanese man.
In September, five Sudanese men admitted their roles in the shooting in filmed confessions.
A Sudanese man working as a translator for American troops was found dead in a village near Samarra.
On Friday night, police officials discovered the bodies of two Sudanese men in western Baghdad.
One day in mid-1996, a Sudanese man stood in the visa line at an American embassy abroad.