CSI is best known for their campaign to liberate Sudanese slaves seized during Sudan's second civil war.
CSI is the only NGO working to free southern Sudanese slaves held in the north.
In December 2001, Farrell flew into politically-troubled Sudan with other members of Christian Solidarity International to negotiate the release of Sudanese slaves.
The St Bakhita Centre is named after Josephine Bakhita (1869-1947), an emancipated Sudanese slave who became a Catholic saint.
The Fatimids of Egypt bought Armenian, Turkic and Sudanese slaves, who formed the bulk of their military and often their administration.
Baroness Meral Hussein-Ece, whose great grandfather was a Sudanese slave, taken to Cyprus.
Captain Michele Amatore or Sulayman al-Nubi (1826-July 7, 1883) was a Sudanese slave who became a captain in the marksman regiment of the Italian army.
Another escaped Sudanese slave was with her: Francis Bok, 22 years old, like Abuk a Dinka and Christian.
One approach to ending slavery has been taken by Christian organizations that claim to have purchased tens of thousands of Sudanese slaves and then released them.
In 2000, a former Sudanese slave, Josephine Bakhita, was canonized.