Loggers can pay local forestry officials to look the other way, and powerful friends of the Suharto family have remarkably few legal problems.
Those that have given the biggest perks to the Suharto family should be nervous.
The Suharto family is deeply entrenched in the banking industry.
The Suharto family have returned to the village on various occasions in recent years.
Hartono, a tough former military chief, also has close ties to the Suharto family.
There is no direct evidence that the Suharto family has tried to bribe political or military leaders, the officials say.
The other problems, including the business manipulations of the Suharto family, will require sustained American pressure.
The investigation is expected to focus on a complex of purportedly charitable foundations controlled by the Suharto family.
The Suharto family remains rich, well-connected and capable of doing harm.
But his replacement will be drawn from another, related company that is also controlled by the Suharto family.