An essential element of sun salutations, these poses help you move smoothly from one position to another.
Early English publications record some of the ancient ways of sun salutation.
About 700 people got together to do 108 Sun Salutations and celebrate the power of yoga in the community.
The fresh air and fine views from the mountains north of Alicante make this a good spot for daily sun salutations.
A state court ruled Wednesday that neither the chants nor the sun salutation could be forced on students.
Schultz claimed his strength came from teaching 9000 yoga classes & performing 63,000 sun salutations.
As he took me through a simple sun salutation, he encouraged me to "Be nice to your body and let it smile all over".
The opening sequence begins with 10 Sun Salutations and then several standing asanas.
Start with a a sun salutation: 1.
The asanas included in the sun salutation differ from tradition to tradition.