Several times I returned to the church just to ogle its curves, and once to attend Sunday-morning services - in unfamiliar Arabic.
We were between Sunday-morning services, and Pastor Munsey was taking a break, kicking back to welcome his guest.
Before the rise of the megachurch, evangelism was done primarily through the front door - the Sunday-morning service.
As I wandered from town to town, I learned that an easy way to get a free meal was to show up at church socials after Sunday-morning services.
Initially, "Woman, Thou Art Loosed" was marketed to Bishop Jakes's immediate constituency: churchgoers more likely to attend Sunday-morning services than to go to the movies on Saturday nights.
In crowded Sunday school classes, in formal Sunday-morning services and in quiet conversations on the steps of black churches around the New York region afterward, some pastors urged compassion.
On the boat returning to America, I collapsed again while speaking at a Sunday-morning service on the ship, and the ship's doctor put me to bed for the remainder of the trip.
Most of the time, only a handful of the old reliables show up for Sunday-morning services, and we've completely given up Sunday-evening services.
There was not really any work to be done there, and I was able to make off and hide in a shed used for storing potatoes, together with some workhouse paupers who were skulking to avoid the Sunday-morning service.
The university has said it hopes that many of them will try its soon-to-become ecumenical ( albeit Protestant) Sunday-morning services, which will continue to be conducted by the congregation's senior pastor, the Rev. Frederick J. Streets, who is also employed by Yale as its chaplain.