The criterion that qualifies a particular action as a bid'ah in the religion is a debate amongst Sunni scholars.
However, major Sunni scholars have declared the unbelief of Shias who hold certain beliefs.
This view is, among many others, held by following prominent Sunni scholars:
He is also the superior leader of Sunni Muslim scholars, which he guides and issues directions.
The statement of authenticity was not accepted by a number of prominent later Sunni scholars.
There is disgreement amongst Sunni scholars as to when that occurs.
This narration is disputed, however, by most historians and Sunni scholars.
Most Sunni scholars disregard most of this occasions, and argue that it was forbidden in three, two or at only one time.
Most Sunni scholars consider it third only to the Qur'an in terms of authenticity.
Sunni religious scholars are considered highly influential within the country's minority Sunni population.