The remaining 20 percent of the population, Hubbard thought, were suppressive persons.
Non-Scientologists can be and have been labelled as suppressive persons.
She didn't speak to her parents for several years, assuming that they had been declared Suppressive Persons.
These suppressive persons could be considered "fair game" for retaliation:
The Church's official glossary defines a suppressive person as being:
Dozens of senior executives were accused of being "suppressive persons".
It was also common for Scientologists to send short letters to the suppressive person, to warn them that they were disconnected.
He was subsequently declared to be a "Suppressive Person" and announced his intention to leave.
Church employees refuse to allow him to speak to her because, unbeknownst to him, he has been declared a suppressive person.
Still others had been expelled or declared Suppressive Persons.