Swansea University has also confirmed that it may follow suit.
He was a lecturer at Swansea University for seven years.
Today, the buildings are used to house administration offices for Swansea University.
From 1964 he taught history at Swansea University, where his father had been a professor.
In 1992 he moved to Swansea University to help set up the new theoretical physics group.
Lewis was dismissed from his post at Swansea University following the crime.
In 2007 he was appointed as the chancellor of Swansea University.
The hospital library is open to students of nursing and medicine at Swansea University.
Figures from the academic year 2010/11 show that there are around 12,500 students at Swansea University.
In 2007 Swansea University was awarded the four year course on its own.