However, they were deposited on the Swedish coast and provided with clothing, money and food for their safe return home.
The submarines had to be very close to the Swedish coast to hit their intended targets though.
The low that had caused the thunderstorms across Europe turned north as it neared the Swedish coast.
The beach was open and stony, with just enough light to see by from the stars and the illuminated Swedish coast.
From there, he painted many sunsets looking out across the water towards the Swedish coast.
On a clear day, views extend to the Swedish coast.
On 11 July 1719 the fleet was spotted off the Swedish coast.
But even in their beautiful home on the Swedish coast, bad things can happen to the happily remarried.
This law was said to have been brought in to discourage Soviet propaganda ships from being based off the Swedish coast.
As we crossed the Swedish coast the sky was streaked with sunlit red clouds.