After the ceasefire in 1953, the Swedish hospital stayed comparatively unchanged as a civilian hospital until it was closed in April 1957.
The Stroke study looked at more than 270,000 people hospitalized for stroke in Swedish hospitals.
A Swedish hospital listed with the greatest number of lines, 19 in all, says it will be satisfied if it ends up with half that number.
Some Swedish hospitals used such stents in nearly 90 percent of the angioplasties where stents were implanted.
Swedish social services have reported on racism in Swedish hospitals as well.
During two years of postwar convalescence in a Swedish hospital, she learned to walk again and taught herself English by correspondence with Oxford University.
Toward the end of the day, the Americans sent her and her family to the Swedish hospital next door to the former embassy.
That year, a patient died in a Swedish hospital from an infection that didn't respond to antibiotics.
The novel begins in the maternity ward of the Swedish hospital where S., by now a political refugee, has given birth to a baby boy.
Danvikens hospital was a historical Swedish hospital, insane asylum and retirement home in Stockholm, active in 1558-1861.