When foreign films were exotic, French and Swedish imports lay claim in the popular imagination for their erotic audacity.
With the departure of their Swedish imports, Hosa brought Tomas Hruby back to the roster.
"The hottest Swedish import since Garbo," John Anderson wrote in Newsday.
IKEA, a Swedish import, has said it best.
They exchanged these furs for Dutch and, from the late 1630s, also Swedish imports.
To the list of addictive Swedish imports - Bergman, Larsson, Ikea - add mulled yuletide wine.
The next Swedish import was Hans Westberg in 1982, whose unorthodox methods lead Norway to the 1984 Winter Olympics.
If an uncle of the Swedish ambassador makes a killing in Swedish imports, we'd rather straighten it out quietly.
Swedish imports from Malaysia electronics and electrical components, machinery and apparatus, textiles, palm oil and raw rubber.
The Swedish import from Iraq has increased from low levels earlier years and was about SEK 9 million in 2008.