Improving the integration between Swedish and international students.
Sources suggest a relatively segregated life of Swedish students in the primarily German university though.
This showed that Swedish students had dropped to 19th place out of 57 countries for literacy, 24th in maths, and 28th in science.
So how have Swedish students fared since educational reforms were introduced in 1992?
The requirement has a long history back to the precursor to Swedish students' unions, the students' nations where membership became mandatory in 1667.
The sole purpose of the organisation is to bring American companies and Swedish students together.
After högstadiet, there is no compulsory school attendance; however, most Swedish students go on to the gymnasium for three more years of studies.
The committee's body is made up of both Swedish and foreign students.
The reception of the Swedish students has not always been quite so cordial.
A party of Swedish students of both sexes went through the gate at the same time.