"Sweet Adeline" will begin the season, playing from Feb. 13 to 16.
It was the team's final score for Broadway, following their hits Show Boat, Sweet Adeline, and Music in the Air.
The second, "Sweet Adeline", appears three years later on XO.
Habits of the Heart (1998) - "Sweet Adeline"
He sang "Sweet Adeline" at the top of his town crier's voice.
Nobody raised on "Sweet Adeline" ever became a record executive at Time Warner.
There's the barbershop-quartet routine with Lucy excruciatingly flat on "Sweet Adeline."
"Sweet Adeline" will be the 10th Broadway musical that "Encores!"
First she played "Sweet Adeline," singing along as she tickled the ivories.
Public domain pieces, such as "Sweet Adeline", and newer pieces are abundant.