"Sweet Jane" is available by digital download.
However, Reed was perturbed about a verse being edited from the Loaded version of "Sweet Jane".
Reed was particularly bitter about the truncation of a verse from "Sweet Jane".
"Loaded," the fourth album, remains a letdown, but this version restores a chunk of "Sweet Jane," revising the rock canon.
Its original release on vinyl contained ten tracks, including a cover of The Velvet Underground's 1970 song, Sweet Jane.
Adrian Barber - drums on "Who Loves the Sun" and "Sweet Jane"
"Sweet Jane" is a song by The Velvet Underground, originally appearing on their 1970 album Loaded.
There are two distinct versions of "Sweet Jane" with minor variations, spread over its first four releases.
The best version of Sweet Jane out there....
There was a thickness, an un- clean dampness to the air, and, still tumbling, she saw Sweet Jane's hatch slide shut behind her.