Apart from the Swiss capital, Bern, the towns and cities linked by the E 27 tend to be medium sized or smaller.
Authorities evacuated the American Embassy in Bern, the Swiss capital, today after receiving phone threats.
Throughout March, solidarity protests were organised in other towns and cities including Bern, the Swiss capital, on 19 March 2008.
"You can't fight organized crime without partners," he said in a telephone interview from Bern, the Swiss capital.
The decision was announced in Bern, the Swiss capital, by Foreign Minister Flavio Cotti.
From the first macabre meeting with Gregor Strasser to the convemon of his millions to Swiss capital.
He made no anti-Semitic remarks after that, she recalled in an interview in her office in the Swiss capital, Bern.
Its people chatter in every language under the sun and it's constantly thought of as the Swiss capital - which it isn't.
Mr. Najibullah later left for Bern, the Swiss capital, where he was to meet with Swiss legislators.
Bern, 1965 - The Swiss capital is clogged with traffic; the mayor needs to reduce traffic and improve the city by installing a mass transit system.