Ms. Muller said the Swiss foundation was initially enthusiastic over her findings and only withdrew support after she declined to submit her manuscript for review.
The producers weren't able to obtain rights to Anne Frank's diary from the Swiss foundation that controls the copyright, so her own language is missing from this production.
Technically, it is no more than a Swiss charitable foundation, run on a $50 million budget financed by big business sponsors.
Since then, the group has evolved into an autonomous body with an institutional base as a Swiss foundation, based in Basel.
And in tandem with a Swiss foundation, the outpost sponsored a business-idea contest for Swiss entrepreneurs last January.
Sir Hugh characterized the failure to report the Swiss foundation holding as an oversight.
Although founded in 2004 as a society, since 2007 Alkarama has been a registered Swiss foundation.
She operates a day care center in Agadir for children of poor, single mothers, a rare institution, which is financed by a Swiss foundation.
Fondation Guilé is a Swiss foundation.
Mr. de Unger, who added to the collection, is the seller, through a private Swiss foundation that he has formed.