For one scene, Sydney residents on the shore were asked to leave their lights burning to provide a romantic backdrop to the action.
August - High levels of cryptosporidium & giardia force Sydney residents to boil their drinking water for 6 weeks.
There are fears, however, that population pressures may stretch the reservoir's ability to furnish Sydney residents with needed water well into the 21st century.
Likewise, Sydney residents can choose between Zones 3a and 4b.
The median age of Sydney residents is 36; 15.4% of the population is over 65 years old.
The median age of Sydney residents was 35 years, and households comprised an average of 2.7 members.
Vietnam (1.6%) Aborigines were about 2% of all Sydney residents.
The 16-year-old Sydney resident followed up his world record in the 400-meter freestyle with a time of 1 minute 45.7 seconds.
In the early 1920s, the area was subdivided and Sydney residents purchased holiday homes.
How many times does one hear a Sydney resident say their resplendent harbor is the "best in the world"?