The body was thrown overboard, and washed up on the Syrian coast.
The Soviets ultimately reacted by deploying two destroyers off the Syrian coast.
In 1908, he became Governor of Latakia, a city on the Syrian coast.
The destroyer and a supply ship could be on their way to the Syrian coast, the source added.
The following night, the helicopter maneuver was again successfully used during an encounter near Tartus off the Syrian coast.
In 1918 the French occupied the Syrian coast and began to move into the interior.
The aircraft is reported to have been conducting a reconnaissance flight off the Syrian coast.
Endymion arrived off the Syrian coast on 19 April.
The ship laid minefields off the Syrian coast and the Dardanelles.
On 22 June 1893, the whole fleet was operating together for the annual exercises off the Syrian coast.