Interviews with many bank executives found that many banks were not eager to increase lending after receiving TARP funds.
Echoes of the TARP funds forced on US banks?
Treasury has obligated $21.9 billion in TARP funds to the program.
Goldman is said to be looking for ways to pay back the TARP funds it has received and free itself entirely from the rescue regime.
If it were a bank, it would be eligible for TARP funds.
First Commonwealth is one of the few stronger banks that did not accept TARP funds in 2008.
Most banks repaid TARP funds using capital raised from the issuance of equity securities and debt not guaranteed by the federal government.
Many analysts speculated TARP funds could be used by stronger banks to buy weaker ones.
Key was one of the last major banks to pay back TARP funds.
Contractors were also used to help manage the TARP funds.