It was eventually bought by Lancashire County Council in 1918 for £16,473 with the purpose of turning it into a TB hospital.
Fortunately, a woman named Frances Wisebart Jacobs recognized the need for a TB hospital.
With its attached 900-bed Rajindra hospital + 161-bed TB hospital is one of the largest health institutions in the region.
The village has a renowned TB hospital.
Dhubulia has biggest TB hospital in Asia and also has an airport, which used to be in use before 1947 in British Period.
Chest hospital, TB hospital, Hospital for mental health are other government institutions located close to this suburb, providing health care for the poor.
There are 4 hospitals, 8 clinics, 2 TB hospitals, 1 diabetic association, 57 health and family planning centers.
Most countries no longer have TB hospitals.
In 1996 a total of 532 children were discharged from various TB hospitals in Tomsk after average stays of a little more than three months.
The TB hospital of Malappuram district is located here.