A study by my office shows that the city is incapable of providing minimal but vital health services, such as TB tests, for needy students.
This prompted another strange phone call from Animal Health: "Where are the results of the TB test?"
If the TB test shows positive, a child can be treated or isolated.
Reactors to the TB test were first found in their herd in January 1986 but after only three months they got the all-clear again.
To develop a quicker TB test by using the same substance that makes fireflies glow.
As you note, each inmate receives a TB test on admission.
"Go to the health clinic right now and get a TB test," I told her.
They also ordered a TB test.
In 2004, the state of California cited the organization for providing medical services, administering TB tests and having doctors conduct physical exams.
Animals which react positively to the TB test are slaughtered.