There is a hitch, as one criminal learns in the good-looking but ever-so-ordinary TNT movie "Framed," which has its premiere on Sunday night.
California driver's license showed us that he was white, and looked like an extra from that old TNT movie about Steve Jobs and Bill Gates.
"The Mists of Avalon," Marion Zimmer Bradley's 1983 novel, told this story, as did a 2001 TNT movie based on it.
The Sea Wolf (TNT movie of the week)
The second most popular Gutman novel is now being made into a TNT movie featuring the actress Kristin Davis and the actor Matthew Modine.
He starred in the TNT movie, The Ron Clark Story which premiered August 13, 2006.
Strangely, in "Avenger," a TNT movie that has its premiere tomorrow night, Mr. Elliott sometimes seems almost fragile.
It is hard to imagine a more heavy-handed concept, but as the TNT movie "Hope" unfolds, that portent turns out to be a false alarm.
Like the TNT movie, the documentary presents this view not as apology but as explanation.
We were doing a series on Abraham and wanted to set some of the footage from the excellent TNT movie on the li...