The statement was interpreted by a German TV magazine as an official disassociation.
However, it looked more like a story for a TV magazine.
Well, we have done one front page with a good news head and one that was mostly about what was in the TV magazine.
People don't sit around with their TV magazine checking off the new series as they roll past.
Eventually, a tired television audience and sarcastic TV magazine reviews forced the show off the air somewhere around 1997.
'TV magazine' is also used in English-speaking countries as a generic name for any television listings magazine.
In the meantime, his plan was to carry on with his usual boring job with the TV magazine because the hours were flexible.
"Guess you didn't learn all this working for the TV magazine," she added.
Ryan's arrival on the show was accompanied by a massive publicity campaign in TV magazines and newspaper supplements.
The blond was reading a TV magazine in the parlor; she ignored Farwell as he let himself out.