The company said it would license its new patent to other Japanese and South Korean TV manufacturers.
TV manufacturers measure sets on the diagonal of the screen.
Several years ago, a standard interconnect was agreed upon and the TV manufacturers built this interconnect into their sets.
Maybe the TV manufacturers will use this as an excuse to take out their streaming support, to sell it separately as an add-on?
If a picture is lousy to start with, blowing it up doesn't improve it-something the TV manufacturers don't seem to have discovered yet.
At home, apparently, different standards prevail and TV manufacturers take them into account.
Each TV manufacturer would make their own 3D glasses.
TV manufacturers can lower prices and cover the cost of the expensive new plants with the increased volume of TV set sales.
But TV manufacturers believe most digital sets will be sold because they offer high-definition programming.
I have tried reading up on various TV manufacturers but I'm not entirely sure which types the companies use.