Mel, who works as an agent for TV performers, and Rick are partners and have a teenage daughter, Sam.
Chet declared that the TV performer had a fine reputation, and he was sure that the man was above suspicion.
And here's why: she is a very experienced TV performer, so should be very comfortable in the medium.
Abbott is a frequent public speaker, newspaper contributor and TV performer.
With TV performers stampeding to escape the threat, it was soon obvious that the convention would never find a permanent moderator.
Then there are the people who are not known TV performers but who will bring personal testimony to issues which would otherwise be argued theoretically.
He was one of the elite TV performers of his era, a hot personality who illuminated a cool hardwood medium.
He is, after all, a TV performer.
For two years in a row (in 2006 and 2007), Nyberg received the Venla award for best TV performer.
Afterward, Tashiro and Kuwano played an active part and were so popular not as musical artists, as TV performers.