How does this fit in with where video game and TV technology are heading?
They are intoxicatingly open territory for advertisers who fear that TV technology will make broadcast and cable commercials obsolete.
With auto racing a terrific laboratory for TV technology, it's almost impossible to resist upgrading coverage.
There are the surface monsters, a crude kind of 70's TV technology.
There are a few other lesser-known TV technologies, like grating light valves.
Those are just a pair of the 10 TV technologies making movie theaters obsolete.
Important people in the development of TV technology in the 19th or 20th centuries.
We are also opposed to the idea of changing TV technology by decree and through political decisions instead of letting people's own choices prevail.
I support the use of interactive digital TV technology to benefit European citizens in a range of ways.
No amount of TV technology can put me at any World Cup site to show me how plays develop and convey the atmosphere.