Taft Broadcasting attributed it's loss for the year primarily to the $58.2 million loss on the sale of its five independent television stations.
Taft Broadcasting rose 19, to 151, after an investment group offered to pay $145 a share for the company.
The telecasts were sold to commercial stations on an individual market basis by Taft Broadcasting.
In 1968, park management entered into talks with Taft Broadcasting for the purpose of developing a new park on higher ground.
Taft Broadcasting, up sharply on Thursday, fell 3, to 133.
He was fired in late-1974, when the station was sold to Taft Broadcasting.
Gulf then sold the station to Taft Broadcasting as part of a group deal in 1984.
Taft Broadcasting purchased the station along with four other Gulf properties in 1985.
At 33, she became vice president for television and cable programming at Taft Broadcasting.
Taft Broadcasting has about 9.3 million shares outstanding.