One fan in the stand displayed his own Taiwanese flag, resulting in police arriving to remove the fan.
One will have the Communist flag and one will have the Taiwanese flag.
When Chinese families who for years have celebrated Taiwan's National Day on Oct. 10 put out their Taiwanese flags this year, the police removed them, saying they obstructed traffic.
On the traditional Taiwanese flag, the red stands for fraternity, sacrifice and nationalism and the blue for liberty, justice and democracy.
In a gesture certain to irritate Beijing, several demonstrators here waved large Taiwanese flags.
It is flying a Taiwanese flag," the first officer reported.
From its red-lacquered balcony on which the Taiwanese flag flies proudly, one can survey the entirety of Mott Street as if from a castle on a hill.
When the game began, there were about 250 fans in the crowd of 23,856 waving Taiwanese flags for Chin, the first pitcher from Taiwan to play in the majors.
The Taiwanese government paid for the construction of the city's town hall in exchange for Paraguayan support in the United Nations, hence the Taiwanese flag that flies on the building.
YouTube was blocked from Mainland China from the October 18 due to the censorship of the Taiwanese flag.