After integrating themselves into the local Tajik population, these cities face a movement for annexation into Tajikistan, with which the cities have no common border.
There is some controversy about the percentage of the Tajik population.
The Khasas are also believed to have arrived from Tajikistan and share some physical traits with the ancient Tajik population.
This had the effect of increasing the Tajik population in Uzbekistan from 3.9% in 1979 to 4.7% in 1989.
There are also a influentable and important Tajik population in Urgun.
The majority of population in Chust (like that of Kosonsoy) are ethnic Tajiks, leftover from the time when the entire Fergana valley had a Tajik population.
They have no place in the Afghan genealogies by that name, being generally reckoned along with the Tajik population.
He belong to the Tajik population of Samangan.
More specifically, it is used to refer to a distinct group of farmers and urban dwellers who are a subgroup of the greater Tajik population of Afghanistan and Tajikistan.
Tajikistan was eventually carved out of this territory, which historically had a large Tajik population.