Robert Eisenman has pointed out contemporary talmudic references to Zealots as kanna'im "but not really as a group - rather as avenging priests in the Temple".
The ban on meat is actually a Talmudic reference to not eating meat in exile, while the additional prayers are usually explained by noting Psalm 119:164.
Mr. Yakin wanted to be sure that every detail in his movie about Hasidic Jews, every ritual and Talmudic reference, was authentic.
Although he can still toss off a Talmudic reference when pressed, he said godliness was not found in ritual or retreat from the world, but in doing good deeds.
To this end his comedy was not of a slapstick variety but rather verbal with many intricate Talmudic references and in-jokes.
It would appear from Talmudic references that this action had no lasting effect, if any, for Simon ben Gamaliel found much the same state of affairs much later (Ker.
He knew the 7000 pages of the Talmud by heart, word for word, and could provide the page, line and exact wording for any Talmudic reference instantly.
Yemenites, like other Middle Eastern and North African Jewish communities, had a special affinity for Henna due to biblical and Talmudic references.
Other criteria (with Talmudic references):
There are several biblical and Talmudic references.