You don't have to read a book on Chinese art to love a Tang horse.
"The Tang horse had that tugging effect, that tractor effect."
"There are no shops with millions of Tang horses, because these people are not in need."
There is an old saw among decorators: you will never have a project published in a glossy magazine unless your interior features a Tang horse.
That's not true, of course, but putting in a handsome Tang horse never hurts.
Tang horses have been status symbols for 1,500 years.
"The Tang horse has always appealed to Western taste; it's something the Chinese have never collected because of its association with grave goods."
"The superb Tang horses are all in private hands today," she said.
She said a Tang horse should be animated, with an open mouth, a strong face and good musculature.
Connie bought a pair of Tang horses, eighth century.