"It's all about making Paul's vision happen," said Patrick Corbin, who was a leading Taylor dancer for 15 years.
The Taylor dancers, he said, "have to work with some denial because he's beloved and we don't want to think about the company without him."
The Taylor dancers pack an extreme muscular wallop: they look tough and grittier.
Like most Taylor dancers, Mr. Trusnovec never seems to be performing.
But again, there are always the Taylor dancers to admire.
Many of the Taylor dancers, who begin a two-week season at City Center on Tuesday, are talented enough to be stars in other companies.
Despite their wholesome reputation, the Taylor dancers are no strangers to the petty jealousies that arise within any group of performing artists.
On the more conventional side, there will be performances of choreography by former Taylor dancers and talks by them.
All are experienced Taylor dancers.
Being a Taylor dancer was both help and hindrance.